This one is just embarrassing on the good Reverends part:
Booklet:"the doctrine of the Trinity is considered to be 'beyond the grasp of human reason'."
Source: The complete quote is:
"It is held that ALTHOUGH the doctrine is beyond the grasp of human reason, it is, like many of the formulations of physical science, not contrary to reason, and may be apprehended (though it may not be comprehended) by the human mind."
(So the Encyclopedia is comparing the degrees of mental perception, apprehension vs. comprehension, and does not state that the doctrine is "contrary" to reason - but BEYOND our fullest understanding.)
The Watchtower writers also ignored a statement on the same page of the Encyclopedia that disputes the idea that the Trinity doctrine is pagan. It says:
"It is probably a mistake to assume that the doctrine resulted from the intrusion of Greek metaphysics or philosophy into Christian thought; for the date upon which the doctrine rests, and also its earliest attempts at formulation, are much older than the church's encounter with Greek philosophy."
Reply: The WT from this quote did not say it was contrary to reason , it quoted it as saying it is beyond the grasp of human reason. This is nit-picking at its worst. The quote says it cannot be "comprehended", which only upholds the Brochures quote further, that it is not able to penetrate the human mind. The quote was to show the difficulty in explaining the Trinity as even Trinitarians themselves claim, what it is the problem here?
IMO, it is funny that people feel Gods identity is so confusing. Was Jesus really preaching some sort of confusion when he quoted the Shema? (Mrk 12:29) Maybe the writers had problems expressing how great and powerful they believed he was, but never his identity.